The UW Psychiatry Residency Program offers protected didactics one half-day per week during the academic year, which includes a forensic didactic series.
2023–2024 academic year
R1, new R2 | Survival series | Duty to Protect | Jennifer Piel |
R1, new R2 | Survival series | Harm to Others/Violence Risk | Jennifer Piel |
R1 | Emergency psychiatry | Involuntary Treatment Act/DCR referrals | Jennifer Piel |
R2 | Forensics | Overview of Forensic Mental Health | Jennifer Piel |
R2 | Forensics | Malingering | Henry S. Levine |
R2 | Forensics | Right to Treatment/Refusal | Drew Calhoun |
R3 | Forensics | Law for Psychiatrists | Jennifer Piel |
R3 | Forensics | Duty to Protect: Advanced | Jennifer Piel |
R3 | Forensics | Harm to Others: Advanced | Katharine McIntyre |
R3 | Forensics | Mental Disability | Brian L. Grant |
R3 | Forensics | Standards of Care/Liability | Henry S. Levine |
R3 | Forensics | Correctional Psychiatry | Bhinna Park |
R4 | Forensics | Mental Health Evaluations in Criminal Law: Intro | Ray Hendrickson |
R4 | Forensics | Sex Offenders | Bhinna Park |
R4 | Forensics | Mental Health Evaluations in Civil Law | Henry S. Levine |
R4 | Forensics | Coping with Court | Henry S. Levine |
R4 | Forensics | Mental Health Evaluations in Criminal Law: Advanced | Jennifer Piel |
Didactic instructors
Drew Calhoun, MD

Drew Calhoun, MD, is board-certified in General Psychiatry and Forensic Psychiatry, and currently employed as a staff psychiatrist at the Gage Center for Forensic Services at Western State Hospital (WSH) in Lakewood, WA. Dr. Calhoun primarily practices in a clinical role, as an inpatient psychiatrist to forensic patients admitted for competency restoration treatment. Dr. Calhoun’s other professional roles at WSH include serving as vice president of the medical staff, chair of the Peer Review Committee, and chair of the Risk Review Board. As a member of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law (AAPL), he serves on the Ethics, Early Career, and Forensic Hospital Services Committees. Dr. Calhoun’s interests include medical education, quality improvement, and forensic ethical issues, especially those pertaining to patient care in forensic hospital settings. He has provided expert testimony in legal cases involving trial competency, involuntary medication orders, and conditional release.
Didactics previously taught: Right to treatment/right to refuse treatment
Brian L. Grant, MD

Brian L. Grant, MD, is a 1982 graduate of the UW Psychiatry Residency and currently serves as a clinical associate professor for the department. In addition to psychodynamic therapy, his interests include general forensic psychiatry with an emphasis on civil assessments in the area of disability and injury claims. His department contributions include presenting on this topic in the didactic series, and psychotherapy supervision of residents. In addition, for 35 years Dr. Grant founded and managed a national company providing multi-specialty assessments for government, legal and insurance clients, which he exited in 2018. This work allowed him to gain experience in leadership and management, along with a broad exposure to the interface between society and medicine.
Didactics previously taught: Disability and injury assessment
Ray Hendrickson, JD, PhD

Ray Hendrickson, JD, PhD, practiced law in California for 31 years and worked part-time in a private clinical psychology practice in Irvine, California for 13 years with practice dedicated to serving persons with developmental disability. After he retired from the practice of law in 2004, he worked for two years as a contract psychologist with the California Department of Corrections in Lancaster and Corcoran. He was a forensic evaluator with the Center for Forensic Services at Western State Hospital (WSH), and Washington State Department of Social and Health Services for some 13 years. He was the director of the WSH Postdoctoral Fellowship Committee from 2010 to 2018. He is an adjunct faculty member at Antioch University Seattle and a clinical associate professor with the UW Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences. He taught law courses at the University of California, Irvine for more than 15 years. Dr. Hendrickson has been working since January 2023 for Loyal Source Solutions in Seattle, doing evaluations of veterans regarding their mental health disability.
Didactics previously taught: Competence to stand trial; insanity and other mens rea defenses
Henry S. Levine, MD

Henry S. Levine, MD, has practiced general psychiatry in Whatcom County since 1979, in both community mental health and private practice. Dr. Levine is board-certified in both Psychiatry and Forensic Psychiatry. He is an assistant clinical professor at the UW and co-directs the Behavioral Neuroscience Internship at Western Washington University. Dr. Levine attended college and medical school at Case Western Reserve University and interned at the University of Virginia. Following that, he was a general medical officer, practicing primary care in the Indian Health Service on the Lummi Indian Reservation. He then completed his psychiatry residency at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and returned to Whatcom County to practice general psychiatry. He has special interest in electroconvulsive therapy, cannabis, and forensics.
Didactics previously taught: Malingering; malpractice; court testimony; civil competencies
Katharine A. McIntyre, PhD

Katharine A. McIntyre, PhD, is a forensically-trained clinical psychologist. Dr. McIntyre is currently employed by the Office of Forensic Mental Health Services, and in this role conducts court-ordered competency to stand trial evaluations, insanity evaluations, diminished capacity evaluations, and violence risk assessments. Dr. McIntyre also works as an adjunct professor in the clinical psychology doctoral program at Antioch University Seattle. Dr. McIntyre’s most recent peer-reviewed publications have focused on cultural considerations in competency to stand trial evaluations and the use of digital technologies in forensic assessments.
Didactics previously taught: Violence risk assessment in psychiatric populations; cultural considerations in forensic mental health evaluations
Jennifer Piel, MD, JD

Jennifer Piel, MD, JD, director for the Center for Mental Health, Policy, and the Law, is the forensic mental health module leader and coordinator for University of Washington forensic psychiatry training. As a former associate program director for the general psychiatry residency program, Dr. Piel has expertise in psychiatry education, particularly forensic mental health education and training. She is a recipient of the outstanding junior clinician teacher faculty award and residents’ “favorite supervisor” recognition. Dr. Piel teaches medical-legal topics for trainees in psychiatry, psychology, social work, nursing, occupational medicine, law and other programs. In addition to didactic instruction, she oversees the VA mental health and justice rotation, PBSCI (psychiatry and law course/rotation), and research electives in forensic mental health.
Didactics previously taught: Violence risk assessment in psychiatric populations, duty to protect, involuntary treatment act, informed consent; law for psychiatrists, psychiatric malpractice, competence to stand trial and other criminal competencies; insanity and other mens rea defenses
Forensic task force
The CMHPL appreciates the efforts of the residents and faculty who served on the forensic task force for revisions to the forensic didactic curriculum. The task force consisted of two residents and five instructors/faculty. Faculty participants were selected to be sure core areas of forensic mental health had representation (criminal, civil, corrections, relation of psychiatry, education) as well as both psychiatry and psychology input, given recognition of cross-discipline training in this area.
Task force members
Jennifer Piel, MD, JD (Chair)
Carol Barnes, MD (R4)
Katherine Michaelsen, MD, MASc
Bhinna Park, MD
Joellyn Sheehy, MD (R2)